Hello all you curious people who actually visited this page.
As you can see, there has been a recent change of blogskins here and there because of the fact that I have reverted to a normal, HTML template from our very, very irritating XML one. I know, you don't understand, but you don't need to anyways. 8D
Therefore, it is most unfortunate that ZongZhen, Josiah and I have to script the whole entire thing from scratch (or maybe not) for the sake of the class blog. I apologise for the inconvenience caused, but on the other hand, Jonathan and the rest should be able to post whatever retarded pictures of us that we have online: I supposed he can pass them over to me in a DVD+R for archiving purposes and I can make them available online for both viewing and downloading: it's just a matter of time.
Please forgive us, even though we don't owe you anything but the blog.
On behalf of everyone: Thanks.
Labels: Blog Construction