
Do organize some 4SA outings/gatherings :D

Template Updates.

Warning: jargon ahead.

Hay Guise. Holidays are coming, and some of us are going to the IT show tomorrow! Well, whatever your plans, just remember that WE HAVE INTRA-CLASS LAN COMPETITIONS COMING UP! :D. Be very, very excited.

Layout updates:

  1. Events block has been removed and integrated into Announcements.
  2. Rearrangement of Advertisements and Labels/Archives blocks.
  3. Integration of Google Advertisements.
Also, guys, just for your information: Please do not excessively click on the google ads for the sake of us earning money. Yes, it may help, but we may end up not having anything at all if we are found in violation of the GoogleAds policies. So please, be discerning and click on the things that matter to you - perhaps Red Alert 3, Counter Strike and such, but not excessively.

Another method for us to earn revenue: Through the Google search bar. So please use our search bar instead of going to Google! :D It helps.

Wait, I'm already in violation of the policies. D:

Have fun.


Copyright 2006 | Andreas02v2 by GeckoandFly and TemplatesForYou | Design by Andreas Viklund
No part of the content or the blog may be reproduced without prior written permission.TFY Burajiru