
Do organize some 4SA outings/gatherings :D


Jerseys have been given out, we hope you like them, and I'm afraid to tell you that there's not much we can do if your jersey is too small or too big(well if it's too big, thats not a problem, it's a plus, you can wear it for longer!) So Ben, i'm sorry but I don't think I can do anything about your jersey.

Mr Ng, posted this game on the tagboard, so If your bored and you got nothing to do, or just prove to everyone how proded you are at this game, then click this:

Post your results on the tagboard. Mr Ng says "US Pilots can last 2 min"

Right now, the highest is 33.405 secs by Matthew.

Band Conert on Monday, meet at Marina Square food court at 6pm.

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No part of the content or the blog may be reproduced without prior written permission.TFY Burajiru