Do organize some 4SA outings/gatherings :D
I am supposing that Ngai Thai is having difficulties posting the physics answers online. Therefore, they are not available. However, physics workbooks are due TOMORROW (monday).
Also, for those who continually FORGET their bio files *COUGHEDWINHACK*, please hand them in PERSONALLY to Ms. Nanthini for checking unless you want external validators to be after your asses.
A bit on the Chemistry test: Phosphorus (V) Oxide is P2O5 and not P2O3. Fine, Aaron Soh. You freaking win. D:
For those whose Maths Exercise books are to be checked, we'll have to ask Mr. Ng about it before the "marking" and such, because I am not sure what on earth we are supposed to do.
Have a good week.
Labels: Homework, Important, Just For Fun