
Do organize some 4SA outings/gatherings :D

a tribute to 3sa soccer team

great display of soccer and teamwork today!!! though we were edge out by penalties in the finals , we played extremely well as a team. we create many chances just to be denied by the poles. Just like the euro 08, it had to be decided by the luck of the kick......

you win some, and you lose some...., we might have lose the game, there are some winners on the pitch, the team gelled as one, every struck to their own role and we hit 3N3 attack after attacks. We had only one focus, that is to win. the intensity on the face says it all.

thanks to
Zong for organising the team in the class
zul and cheng en for being a pillar in defense where we did not let in any
mervin for the untiring runs
andre for control the tempo of the game
Ngai thai for displaying great skills in attack and defense
arvind for the spirit excellence
adam , for the strength to take the last spot kick
matthew and peeranin for the 1st 2 game, the team did not let you and the class down,
as they fought to the very last minute

guys remember:
“To bear defeat with dignity, to accept criticism with poise, to receive honors with humility -- these are marks of maturity and graciousness.”william arthur ward

what is a better job than seeing all of you maturing in fine young gentlemen......

thank you class
mr ng

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