
Do organize some 4SA outings/gatherings :D

Another Day At The Beach : Confirmed

Class outing has been confirmed. It will be on 8.8.08@Sentosa. After sch we will go. I think we could all have our own lunch then meet back at school at around,(if school ends at 10.30)we should meet back around 11.We gonna try charter a bus. It will be until around 5 or 6 then after that those who want to go for dinner or movie can go. You prolly wanna bring some $$ for drinks at 7-11 and other stuff. Mr Ng say all must go. We will try to make it as fun as possible K? haha.

Anyways, more details will be bought up as soon as we plan everything out.
Note from your MD2 : All must go, and if we had a choice it wouldn't be a class outing anymore.

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