
Do organize some 4SA outings/gatherings :D

A601: The Homeroom, update!

Two photo montages up and ready!

Kudos to the following people (alphabetical order):

  • Ee Siong for taking the initiative to print out all the forty-something A4-sized pictures.
  • Ethan for helping me paste blu-tack and arguing about the arranging of pictures.
  • Mr. Ng for supplying three images that have not been printed, YET.
  • Zong Zhen for supplying three images that have not been printed, YET; for taking down the stuff that was on the wall initially.
  • Solomon for helping to take down the stuff that was on the wall initially, and providing entertainment through his PSP.
  • And myself for pasting blu-tack, arguing with Ethan over the arrangement of pictures, thumb-tacking the pictures on the notice board, rearranging all the elements of the notice board, stapling every single thing there was to staple, pushing in chairs and tables, tromping around wet floors, staying until 6-something to clear up and locking the room. (Such self praise.)
Have fun at founder's day tommorrow! Remember, don't complain, for I have much more than you do! D:

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