
Do organize some 4SA outings/gatherings :D

Class Painting


There will be a disccusion on what colours and background designs tomorrow.

Date : 1st September 2008
Time start : 1030am. Please arrive before 11am.
Time end : A few hours ( should finish around 2) ? Your attendance is GREATLY apprieciated.
Place : A601 OUR CLASS

Helpers are:

  1. Benjamin See ( co ldr ) no: 93362925
  2. Bartholomew ( co ldr ) no: 93719333
  3. Ee Siong ( co ldr )
  4. Solomon ( ldr ) no: 81832118 - Call Me, You Know You Want To
  5. Edwin
  6. Aaron Soh
  7. Adam
  8. Calvin
  9. Chin yan
  10. Jack
  11. Alex
  12. Shawn Chin

Final words ..

Plan for Monday for the class painting project would be to

  1. Come out with a FINAL design for the corner at our class ( near the computer ).
  2. Plan the FINAL colours for the design.
  3. Draw out the design on wall.

Please contact the ldrs or co ldrs for any more information.

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