
Do organize some 4SA outings/gatherings :D

Hockey match tomorrow.

Please be reminded that post-curriculum hours, we have a hockey match to go. As much as you all don't want to be sitting there boring yourselves out of your wits, I'm afraid that we will, and we will, take attendance. Just bring your PSPs if you're really desperate, if not, one hour of music should suffice.

Advertisement finances: the 53 clicks that we have received today earned us an extra US$10. I advise you all not to spam, but rather, just click one by one as if you all are interested in the advertisements. I'm sure you all are. Playstation Portable, DOTA, Counterstrike: all these should appear in a matter of time. Of course, if you want me to activate advertisements for "loving", I could. :\

That is, if, if, like Adam, you're desperate.

Wear your No.2 or AFGM shirt tomorrow, please. See you soon.

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