
Do organize some 4SA outings/gatherings :D

Learning the Brain by the Brain

Goes something like this for bio students:

Neo-cortex, frontal lobe
Brainstem! Brainstem!
Hippocampus, neural node
Right hemisphere.

Pons and cortex visual
Brainstem! Brainstem!
Sylvian fissure, pineal
Left hemisphere.

Cerebellum left!
Cerebellum right!
Synapse, hypothalamus
Striatum, dendrite.

Axon fibers, matter gray
Brainstem! Brainstem!
Central tegmental pathway
Temporal lobe.

White core matter, forebrain, skull
Brainstem! Brainstem!
Central fissure, cord spinal

Pia mater!
Menengeal vein!
Medulla oblongata and lobe limbic

Note the emboldened words.

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