
Do organize some 4SA outings/gatherings :D

Manila OCIP : Just Some Information

This to those of you who missed the briefing and to those who just don't know what is going on.

Important dates to note:
1st November (Saturday) - Luggage inspection and keep luggage in school
3rd November (Monday) - Meet in school at 0730hr and travel to airport by bus.
5J 802 03Nov Sin-Manila (1035-1400)

9th November (Sunday) - Arrive in Singapore at approx. 2355. Dismiss at airport
5J 803 09Nov Manila-Sin (2030-2355)

Important details for your parents:

Contact Details
Local travel agent Pentravel
Agent: Rossett 6836-3706
Mr Ng :+659152-3632

Hostel Details
Staying at Partnership Centre (click here for website)
No 59C Salvador St. Varsity Hill Subd, Loyola Hts, QC
Tel: +632-436-1779 / +632-426-6737
Contact Person: Ms Nap Ferrez

Rotarian Advisor:
Mr Hector Charles
Charter President, Rotary Club of Marina City

Other Important Details:
Report to school in No.2 uniform and school pants

Packing List
2 Tour t-shirt(will recieve next week)
1 Once a saint t-shirt(white)
1 orange class jersey
1 clean PE t-shirt
2 set of school uniform with tie and badge
1 pair of school pants
1 pair of jeans
1 pair of trackpants/cargo pants
2 bermudas
Bring suffiecient sleeping attire:(hostel is airconditioned)
suffiecient undergarments (underwear,boxers whatever)
Enough socks
Toiletries(toothbrush, shampoo, toothpaste, shaver etc.)
Bath towel.
Small day bag or pouch.
Water bottle (impt preferably one which can be hooked on to ur belt when u wear ur berms)
small torchlight(impt!!! in case of blackout which may happen)

More details soon. Mr Ng will rebrief us again. Any other info or questions ask Mr Ng!

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