
Do organize some 4SA outings/gatherings :D

H1N1 emergency

hi all, emergency

these are the things you need to answer by today !
if you see the blog , send a sms to me by today ! URGENT!!!!!!!

A) answer question 1 with yes or no and write you index number and name to me.

B) you will need to down load the "TRAVEL DECLARATION FORM" AND hand up to me first thing in morning on 29 june. INDEX number write on top right hand column(zong zheng collect)

C) first day of school, report to home room with your thermometer and take temp (russell to write down on class list and send to office)

answer this questions by today

1) travel. did you travel out of the country during june holiday?
2) if yes. what country is it ?
3) WHEN LEAVE, when did you leave singapore ?
4) when return , when did you return to singapore
5) health status, are you well today ?
6) (for students who are unwell) when did you start feeling unwell? how did you feel? do you have fever and sore throat, cough, runny nose etc?
any action taken by student ?

maniac ng

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