Failures do what is tension relieving(time wasting), while winners do what is goal achieving(painful yet meaningful)....
by unknown
Schedule during exam
Fri 14/8
2nd amaths paper 1 testing plus marking
Venue: C402 time: 2.30pm to 4.30pm consultation runs during and after the paper
Spare me if u can, on Saturday !!!!!
Mon 17/8
3rd EM paper 1 testing / consultation after paper
Venue : hall time: 11.25am
Thu 20/8
3rd EM paper 2 testing/ consultation after paper
Venue : hall time: 11.25am
Friday 21/8 rugby finals(go and support if u can !!!!!!!!!!!!!)
HW on paper 2 question
Sat 22/8
1st AM paper 2 testing /consultation
Venue: C402 Time: 8.30am – 11am
Mon 24/8
2nd AM paper 2 testing /consultation
Venue: C402 Time: 2pm – 4.30pm