
Do organize some 4SA outings/gatherings :D

prepation for tomolo paper 2

hi gentlemen!

3 advices:
a) let go of the past (dun be mind screwed)
b) let go of the A errors that you made(Damn irritating, i know)

most importantly, you got many more papers to go,

c) Focus on things you are in control, tomolo paper, you are in control.

2 tasks:
task 1
a) read through the basics skills of these few key topics.
algebra fraction, quadratic story sum, curve sketching, graph question in outside context(i.e when you throw the ball up, the height is measured against time.), matrix, sets

b) geometry:
trigo(obtuse angle, bearing, 3-d problems) , circles, vectors(may come out again), construction

c) statstics:
S.D sure will come out, box and whiskers,

task 2
visualise if 3-d question comes out,

1) how u apply process skills
2) what thinking are you using(which skills to use for what type of qn)
3) visualise you planing how to answer
4) 100% correct 1st step before starting
5) before underlining answer, do a check, (units, 3 sig or exact)


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